When it comes to holidays, many people choose luxury beach vacations over other traditional ways of spending holidays. Not only these are special and people there treat them right, but the beauty is also about exclusivism. There is no crowd bothering them and they usually don’t have to stay in line for anything. And not only rich people can afford this kind of vacations, but regular people as well. This is a great way for getting away from your daily routine. So if you were thinking about going for it, here is a list of great places to see.
1. Bora Bora
2. Maui Beach
3. St. Barts
4. Bermuda
5. Seychelles
6. Cannes
7. Santorini
8. Island of Cozumel
9. Cape Town
Pics are superbly awesome! #6 and 9 are so inspiring beaches