The Nintendo Entertainment System was the first console made by Nintendo. Games like The Legend of Zelda, Duck Hunt and Mario Bros kept us entertained for days. It was the console that ruled the 8-bit era and was the best gaming platform to come out in the ‘80s. It is still considered one of the best gaming consoles of all time so we decided to make a list of nerdy NES styled items that you can actually purchase.
So without further ado, here is our list of 10 awesome NES styled items that you can buy.
1. Nintendo Controller Soap
The only downside of purchasing this NES controller soap is that you won’t have the heart to use it because you won’t want to ruin it. If you love the idea of having a game style soap but you don’t really like NES you will be glad to find out that the company that makes these (DigitalSoaps) also manufactures other varieties of game related soaps.
Price: $12
2. Nintendo Cartridge Ring
These NES cartridge style rings are also customizable. You can just send the picture of your favorite NES game to the manufacturers and they will make it for you. That’s simply amazing.
Price: $15
3. Nintendo Controller iPhone Case
If you have an iPhone and are a gamer you will probably want to buy this $15 iPhone case. It will be a great conversation starter, that’s for sure.
Price: $14.99
4. Nintendo Cartridge Pillow Set
Even though these games aren’t out favorites on the NES, these pillows are still pretty awesome. To be fair, we would have preferred a Super Mario Bros pillow or a Legend of Zelda one, but they are still pretty cool to own.
Price: $34.99
5. Mario Bros Wall Stickers
The manufacturers of these wall stickers also produce others, so if you’re not a huge fan of Mario Bros, chances are that you’ll still find something that you enjoy and want to put on your walls for everyone to see.
Price: $69.99
6. Nintendo Cartridge External Hard Drive
External hard drives and thumb drives are very useful if you want to back up your data in case something happens. However, these external hard drives are a lot more fun than the regular ones. You will definitely be the envy of all your nerdy friends with this NES cartridge style external hard drive.
Price: $99.99
7. Nintendo USB Controller for PC
If you love emulators and want to play your games as they were intended to be played you will love this NES style controller for PC. On top of this, you’re not just limited to NES games; you can play any game you want on this USB controller.
Price: $7.25
8. Nintendo Controller Coffee Table
This item simply blows our minds. Besides being a regular coffee table, you can also use this to play your old NES games by simply connecting it to your old console. We don’t exactly see how you can control your games comfortably with this oversized controller, but hey, who cares?
Price: $3,700
9. Nintendo Messenger Bag
These bags are pretty common but they’re still good looking and if you grew up in the ‘90s then this is something that you should definitely own.
Price: $36.99
10. Nintendo Zapper Lamp
The Nintendo Zapper is probably the first thing that Nintendo ever manufacture to truly revolutionize the gaming world. We spent a lot of time shooting ducks in Duck Hunt and this lamp is most likely the best lamp for you if you’re a nostalgic gamer.
Price: $77.77
So there you have it. This was our list of 10 awesome NES styled items that you can actually buy.
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