The age of the superhero genre has dawned upon us. Make no mistake, our favorite caped Earth protectors have been around the block for decades, in the shape of comics, movie adaptations, or cartoons. Today, however, the technological developments opened doors for all kinds of groundbreaking effects.
That pretty much means that, if there is something you want to visually materialize on the big screen, chances are that you’ll be able to do it. This is why the genre branched out in all kinds of directions. We all know about the success of the Marvel and DC cinematic universes, but what about TV shows? Without further ado, here are 10 Awesome Superhero TV Shows You Should Watch.
#1 The Flash
Courtesy of the CW
The CW is a channel that generally delivers to the audiences what they want to see. They’re the primary source for fantasy and sci-fi based stories, with The Flash being one of the newest additions that enchanted audiences everywhere. If the Flash was your favorite superhero as a kid, then you’ll definitely enjoy this great take riddled with twists and great action.
#2 Arrow
Courtesy of the CW
Speaking of the CW, as great as The Flash is, one of the veterans of the superhero-themed TV series is Arrow. A TV show going strong, it features a stellar cast gathered for a production that tells the story of a green-hooded vigilante and his quirky allies and enemies. Emotional and action-packed, it’s just as good as it sounds.
#3 Supergirl
Courtesy of CBS
While movies still have to take the risk of producing a whole movie that features a female character as a lead, TV shows are steps ahead in this direction. Supergirl gives us the most superhero-ish woman on television at the moment. Don’t be fooled, though – she is much more than just a female counterpart to Superman, and all you have to do to be convinced is watch it.
#4 Gotham
Courtesy of FOX
Is it even right to call Gotham a superhero TV show? Albeit, there is definitely a lot of “super” going on with the characters and story, but this FOX production focuses a lot more on the origins and the ascension of the DC villains we’ve come to know and love. It can get a bit confusing at times, but true DC fans are undoubtedly going to devour it.
#5 Jessica Jones
Courtesy of Netflix
Bring Marvel to the little screens show after show, Netflix is on its way to becoming the biggest producer of superhero television series. Jessica Jones is, by all means, a traditional story that pits good against evil. What makes it so special is the ever so gloomy, cynical, pessimistic, and bitter character of Jessica Jones, who refreshingly manages to stand out from heroic archetypes.
#6 Daredevil
Courtesy of Netflix
Arguably Netflix’s most successful superhero series so far, Daredevil is what the Ben Affleck movie could have been with the right team behind it. Everything is pretty much the same – Matt Murdock, the blind lawyer, becomes a vigilante that fights for justice. But the execution is the true ace up the sleeve of this Marvel series.
#7 Legends of Tomorrow
Courtesy of the CW
Time traveling, messing with timelines, teams of superheroes pitted against a team of people who wish for said timeline to not be messed with anymore… DC’s Legends of Tomorrow may come off as a bit convoluted at times, but it’s almost certain that this can be saved by the many familiar faces of the DC universe part of this story.
#8 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Courtesy of ABC
It’s not as much about superheroes as it is about a super organization. The famed S.H.I.E.L.D. that has been so closely involved in the lives of the MCU’s biggest heroes now has its own spinoff series and it’s really good. A good mix of secret spying agency with occasional superpowers, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a must for anyone who wants an extension of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
#9 Smallville
Courtesy of the CW
The superhero TV show genre wasn’t invented yesterday. In fact, it was Smallville who first proved that you can be successful by tackling down such a delicate topic. The Superman-inspired series was, for a long time, the longest-running show on the CW until Supernatural snatched that title. Go check for yourself – there’s probably a good reason why.
#10 Agent Carter
Courtesy of ABC
S.H.I.E.L.D. wasn’t the only MCU element to get a spinoff. Peggy Carter, the beloved character whose first appearance was in Captain America: The First Avenger, received her own TV show due to popular demand. It features Carter as a 20th century-secret agent going through different cases with an unmatched style and elegance.
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