Ever since Google and the internet, information travels much faster. That’s a good thing, but in some cases, it can be a bad thing. A while back we gave you a few nutrition tips that you should follow if you want to sty fit and healthy and today we’re going to look at 10 false nutrition facts that have their origins on the internet. You know how sometimes we don’t bother to ask our doctor questions about our health? Instead we go online and scare ourselves to death? It’s the same with food; if someone tells you online that a food item is good, we tend to believe them without needing any proof.
10. Sea Salt is Healthier than Normal Salt
Sea salt may look fancy and pretty, but it’s pretty much just as bad as normal table salt. They both have 575 milligrams of sodium for each quarter teaspoon and you should not have more than 1,500 milligrams a day. So, bottom line, salt is bad for you and you should have it in moderation.
9. Fiber’s Amazing for You
Fiber is almost everywhere we look, in terms of food. It’s there in fruits and vegetables, whole grains and beans. Having fiber in your diet will prevent constipation, lower the risk of developing a heart condition and that of diabetes. It’s pretty amazing, right? It is, but the amount of fiber we get through the food we eat is more than enough and other foods, such as yoghurt or cereals that are supplemented with fiber are totally useless.
8. Potatoes’ Skin Has All the Nutrients
Potato skin is rich in vitamin C, B6 and K, potassium and fiber. One medium potato has more potassium that a banana and 3.6 grams of fiber. It has plenty of other minerals that are good for your health, but all of the nutrients in a potato aren’t found in its skin. In fact, 20% of a potato’s nutrition is found in its skin. Bottom line, eat the skin or don’t eat it, you’ll still get the good stuff from potatoes into your system.
7. Carrots Improve Your Vision
We’ve been told this ever since we could walk, but it’s not really all that true. Carotene does help the eyes maintain their health, but it will not improve your vision. Eating carrots won’t make you see in the dark or make you not need glasses anymore. It’s just a myth that started during World War II!
6. Avoid Whole Milk
One cup of whole milk has 4.6 grams of saturated fat, which is around 22% of the recommended daily allowance. Research has found that the fat contained by dairy isn’t bad for our heart or our waistlines, because recent studies say that consuming full-fat whole milk has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease.
5. Chicken Skin is Bad for You
Anyone who has ever been on a diet has avoided the skin of a chicken. Furthermore, we’ve been told that it’s simply bad for you no matter if you’re struggling with your weight or not. In fact, the skin isn’t so bad, as 55% of the fat present in it is monounsaturated fat, which is heart-friendly.
4. Anyone Can Benefit from a Gluten Free Diet
Another of these false nutrition facts is the one that anyone in the world can benefit from a gluten free diet, which is all the rage these days. In fact, a gluten free diet actually helps the people who are gluten intolerant or gluten sensitive. Go to the doctor’s if you suspect you might be any of those and see if you really are. If not, eating a gluten free diet won’t help you one bit.
3. High Fructose Corn Syrup is the Worst
High fructose corn syrup is the Satan of the food world. It used to be loved by many, but now there are people saying it is much worse than sugar. In fact, the two are quite similar as they have the same amount of fructose and glucose. Consuming too much of either can lead to fatty liver disease, insulin resistance, can lead to weight gain and type 2 diabetes.
2. Food Cravings Means Your Body’s Talking to You
People have been saying this for ages, that when your body is craving something, it’s telling you what nutrients it is missing. That is simply incorrect, as food cravings tend to revolve around emotional needs. There is one exception, though: iron deficiency will lead to a craving of ice cubes. Weird, we know!
1. Fat-Free is Always Better than Regular
Fat-free foods are so popular in our stores, that you would think that the entire population was sick or obese. Fat-free foods may be low in fat, but in almost all cases, the fat has been replaced with sugar, to make it more palatable. And in most cases, sugar is just as worse as fat. Just eat a balanced diet and you’ll be fine.
Do you believe any of these false nutrition facts? Care to share other facts about nutrition that are false? Drop us a line in the comment section below, we like hearing from our readers.
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