The premenstrual syndrome has been tormenting women since the invention of woman and you’d think we’d find a way to relieve it during all that time! Well, we haven’t and except for pills to alleviate the pain, warm water bottles and teas we’ve got nothing to simply make the PMS symptoms go away. We believe that the food we eat should also be our medicine. It has been proven that food can even increase fertility and today we’re going to take a look at 10 food remedies that reduce PMS symptoms, so read on and get that shopping list ready for when you go out the door!
10. Satisfy Fat Cravings with Good Fats
Did you know that you PMS gets worse in the months when you eat more fatty foods than usual? PMS can even start as early as two weeks before the day you get your period, so try to eat a cleaner diet around the time you feel like you’re getting your PMS. Good fats include, tuna, pumpkin seeds, walnut and even salmon. No fried food, please!
9. Magnesium is Vital
Magnesium is very important for healthy bones and a good digestion. You know how you feel your stomach swell up whenever you’re getting your period? Well, magnesium will help you relieve that feeling. You can get it in many seeds and nuts, brown rice, lentils and bulgur wheat. A nice, hearty lentil soup will always go down well when you’re PMSing.
8. Reject the White Sugar
Usually, sugar gives you a rush, making you feel energized and less tired, but when the rush is over, you end up feeling the exact opposite. When you are PMSing, those feeling intensify and if you’re eating lots of sugar, you will feel more tired and lacking energy to do even the simplest of tasks. Go for fresh fruits or honey instead.
7. Vitamin B All the Way
Vitamin B6 is the one that will help you get back on your feet after a long week at work, or when you’re feeling tired and depleted of energy. It also helps with cravings, mood swings and bloating. Instead of just popping another B6 pill, try to include foods that are rich in vitamin B6 in your diet, such as: nuts, eggs, sweet potatoes, whole grains and beans.
6. Drink Plenty of Water
This tip is probably the most universal tip there is: drink plenty of water and you’re on the right track, because this really is a great start to a healthy life. But also consider including foods in your diet that have a high content of water, such as cucumbers, red bell peppers and celery, instead of chugging gallons of water. They’re great to keep your body hydrated and also to satisfy cravings.
5. Vitamin E Foods
Avocados and asparagus are a wonderful source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that keeps cells safe from outside threats. It’s also found in sunflower seeds, vegetable oils, fish, brown rice and wheat germ oil. Lightly toast a handful of sunflower seeds and watch your favorite sitcom is what we recommend when you’re feeling under the weather due to PMS.
4. Potassium is Tasty
One of the best food remedies that reduce PMS symptoms is to eat potassium rich foods, such as bananas, oranges and cantaloupe. It will significantly alleviate your PMS symptoms and besides, these three fruits are incredibly delicious on their own and in a fresh fruit salad with some black chocolate topping.
3. Calcium and Vitamin D
Women need more calcium and vitamin D than men do, that’s a fact. There are two ways get your calcium: through dairy and non-dairy options. The non-dairy ones are broccoli, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, okra, lentil, kale and fortified vegetable milk. As for vitamin D, stay in the sun for a little bit (around 20 minutes a day) without sunscreen and you’ve got your vitamin D for the day!
2. But then There’s Chocolate…
We simply can’t tell you to quit chocolate. We’re not insane! It’s OK to have chocolate, but just not too much of it and the healthier kind which is the black type. It has less ingredients, sugar and preservatives and it will do the trick. If you don’t like it, try some homemade chocolate pudding.
1. Don’t Skip Meals
Skipping meals will make the PMS symptoms even worse. It will cause you to turn to process foods, which are a really bad idea when you’re PMSing and it will make you eat more to satisfy your increased appetite. Also, cravings in general occur when your body’s blood sugar drops, so combine PMS with low blood sugar and you’ve got yourself a recipe for disaster.
Do you know of any other food remedies that reduce PMS symptoms? If you do, please share them with us in the comment section below. We’d love to have more information about foods that can reduce the dreadful symptoms of PMS.
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