There are a lot of places on Earth one should see at least once. But since we won’t have the time or the means to travel them all, all we can do is learn about the most spectacular landscapes in the world that we should travel to. There are deserts that look like lunar empty territory, there are mountains that one can only dream of, there are small corners of paradise fallen on our little planet who are so beautiful, so majestic, people can’t believe their eyes. There are also famous spots, where tourists come back every year and there are a lot of less world renown places that do deserve the well deserved attention, as true cradles of life, hope, beauty and history.
Let’s take water. Source of life and natural ally to man (when it doesn’t become his worst nightmare), water can be found on many places on Earth. We almost got used to it and maybe we don’t pay attention anymore to the natural environment, but there are some unique water landscapes in the world that will take any tourist’s breath away. And because the summer will be here soon and all of us are already thinking about the vacation, everybody associates water with white sandy beaches and clear skies. Incredibly true and also beautiful, but water comes in many forms and especially it revolves around unexpected places on this planet, so let’s take a tour, shall we?
1. Cabo San Lucas Beach, Mexico
Do you see how nature hurried a little an put it all in one place? Beach, sand, rocky mountains, water and maybe one of the most beautiful sunsets in the world? This is a place tourists come back every year and it’s the eerie feeling of not being on Earth anymore that attracts them by thousands.
2. Kayangan Lake, Coron Islands, Palawan-Philippines
Can you see that water? Of course you can, that was a silly question. This place became more and more famous among globe trekkers especially, who have seen in their lifetime a lot of crystal clear lakes and seas, but this place is also famous for the water color and the feeling it gives you of being transported to a very well done special effects movie.
3. Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan
The Caribbean, the Bahamas, the Canary Islands, they are all incredible places to spend your holidays with friends and family. But be honest: how many times do you think you will have the opportunity to see the strange blossomed trees reflected in the lake, turning this image in an almost surreal one? A painting? No, just nature at its best.
4. Watkins Glen State Park, New York
You say New York, you think the Big Apple, the city that never sleeps, the fog, the cars and the rush. But! The state of New York hosts one of the most amazing places in the US. Watkins Glen State Park will spellbind any visitors with its impressive, out of this world atmosphere and especially colors and natural paths. It is scary, majestic, cold and warm in the same time and it guests waterfalls that look like art-work.
5. Cinque Terre, Italy
Well, Italy is not a secluded place and it became a true paradise for tourists, movie makers, music, gourmet, history, culture and everything you can think about. And Venice… well… there is a water landscape that everybody on the planet knows about. But what do you know about this place? This place is, as you can actually see, surrounded by water. Well, it is also surrounded by some sort of veil that keeps the people on Cinque Terre so far from the Italian, loud, speedy civilization, one may even wonder if this eerie island does truly exist.
6. Etretat, Haute-Normandie, France
France is a land of wonders. But look at that place and think how amazing that looks. These impressive cliffs are world-famous for their naturally-formed archways above a water so clear, so blue, it literally takes your breath away.
7. Kuangsi falls near Luang Prabang in Laos
These waterfalls are a favorite side trip for tourists in Luang Prabang. The falls begin in shallow pools atop a steep hillside, while the water collects in numerous turquoise blue pools as it flows downstream. he locals charge a nominal admission fee to visit the site, but it is well main maintained with walkways and bridges to guide the visitor. Most of the pools are open to swimming (although at least one is closed as being a sacred site).
8. Malta
Here, the water is so amazingly clear that it looks like the boat is hovering. You probably know already about Malta and its amazing places to go visit, but if there is something that Malta has, besides all the special features that made it famous to the world is that it has parts of landscapes that can’t be compared to anything in the world.
9. Cathedral Cove on the Coromandel Peninsula of New Zealand
This is a true fact, or so we hope: some scenes from the Chronicles of Narnia (Prince Caspian) movie were filmed here. New Zeeland in general is a spectacular country and somewhat secluded from the rest of the world. Good climate, good economy, it attracts not only tourists but all sorts of people who have a very developed sense of visual imagery.
10. Seljalandsfoss, Iceland
The waterfall you can walk behind and get a splash of clear cold water. This is one of those waterfalls mentioned all around geographical archives because of its unworldly setting and the fact that it almost re-describes the laws of physics.
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