To tell you how big of foodies we are around here would be a complete understatement, as we never miss the chance to explore new tastes and flavors and even travel the world to find some very interesting dishes, be them so expensive, we wouldn’t be able to afford them any time soon. But when foods also combines with more than taste and excitement – namely health and well being – we become unstoppable in trying everything new and even strange. And speaking about strange, there are some foods out there which don’t strike you as appetizing at first, but which are even healthier and tastier than anything green or colored you have tried in your life. Black foods are nothing new to the gourmands, but let’s see today 10 black super foods that aim to boost your health and open up your tastes for something completely different.
10. Black mission figs
Figs are delicious and very healthy for that matter, but black mission figs take the cake with their high levels of fiber, potassium and manganese, not to mention that these fruits are among the few fruity sources of calcium. Have them in salads or as appetizer snacks paired with gourmet meets and cheeses and enjoy a rich, healthy life.
9. Black mushrooms
Mushrooms are altogether important sources of nutrients but if you want to boost your health and even culinary tastes and recipes, try the large black mushrooms family which includes black trumpets, black ear mushrooms (most commonly known as Chinese mushrooms), shiitake, hen – in – the – woods, lion’s mane, wild morels and so on. Their high levels of antioxidants will help your organism build a barrier against cancer, not to mention that they stimulate our immune system like no others.
8. Black rice
This is not squid ink – cooked rice, but veritable wild black rice, a species that is highly appraised among the black super foods that boost your health, as it contains more anthocyanin antioxidants than your regular black forest fruits like blueberries for instance. You can cook it anyway you like and you will find it delicious.
7. Black seaweed
Traditional to Japan, black seaweed consumption made its entry to Great Britain, some European countries and North America for more than 30 years and it is marketed as being full of all necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals that keep us from getting ill, but also gaining skin and hair beauty, due to the high concentrations of calcium, iron, and magnesium. Recently, some debates revolve around the product, as it was found by some agencies to also have some toxic properties, but Japan is still considering it a super black food that they consume regularly.
6. Black garlic
Now if you see some vegetables getting black, you’d throw them in a jiffy, as they certainly aren’t good to eat anymore and who knows what toxins they might develop? This is not the case with black garlic (normal garlic gotten aged – about 60 days of age actually) as it contains twice the amount of antioxidants young and fresh garlic does, not to mention it releases a surprising taste and flavor reminding of molasses and sweets. It helps people with insomnia, high levels of stress and high blood pressure and is used in salads and dressings, and also in desserts.
5. Black lentils
Lentils per se are a constant source of health, no matter their color, but the black variety tops them all: a cup contains almost half of a woman’s daily recommended dose of iron, while the high amounts of soluble fibers make these lentils great for lowering cholesterol levels and boosting the immune system.
4. Black soybeans
Not the most appealing snack on the plate, but definitely one of the healthiest. Black soy beans were found to be unchallenged allies for reducing the risk of thrombosis and lowering the risks for heart disease, as they are full of omega – 3 fatty acids.
3. Blackberries
Among all the black super foods out there, blackberries may be the most surprising, as they were found not only to be one of the best resources for fibers, but also they act positively on our brain functions. Studies have found that blackberries’ high levels of polyphenols may reduce the cognitive decline that comes with age as they clean up the brain cells that impair our brain to fully function, so eat them while still young and keep on eating them.
2. Beluga caviar
This is one expensive black super food – and the most expensive type of caviar in the world – but it won its place in this list because of its nutritional and healthy properties nobody can deny. If you don’t afford it, don’t fret, there are other types of caviar, all considered health miracles, to say the least.
1. Black tomatoes
There are red tomatoes and purple tomatoes, among others, and for a few years now, we have something called black tomatoes, a man – made hybrid developed in Great Britain that concentrated everything good in the red type and the purple one. This variety, called “Indigo Rose” is said to have amazing levels of antioxidants – substances that we all know they reduce the risks of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
These are just some of the black super foods out there that boost our health and keep us young, active and risk – free. Perhaps you are already a fan of the black tea, black sesame seeds or even squid ink – based products, so if you have your own recommendations, please let us know in the comments. What special recipes involving black super foods can you share?
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