Sometimes you are caught off-guard by an emergency situation. In this case, you have no choice but to rely on the financial help of payday loan companies. It can be a pretty tricky thing to do, especially since many people fear the eventual trust breaches or problems that may arise. With these concerns in mind, […]
Personal Finance
Five Signs You Are Financially Overextended
With as much credit card and student loan debt the average American has, it’s no wonder so many people have lost their homes to foreclosure. Some people may find it’s impossible to achieve financial equilibrium because of growing debt. Before seeing a credit counselor or financial coach, the financially challenged can take a hard […]
10 Easy Ways to Get Rich
Even though the most common answer to the question “Do you want to make some easy cash?” is “Yes, but what is the catch?” there are some easy ways to get rich. Some people got rich with no effort or just little effort, so why can’t you? Here is our list of 10 easy […]
10 Signs You’re a Shopaholic
Surrendering to the occasional impulse buy is one thing, but being a shopaholic is a whole ‘nother thing. In an earlier article we’ve given you some tips for shopping on Black Friday but now it’s time to take it down a notch and check out some signs of shopaholism. Studies say that 6% of Americans […]
10 Ways to Save Money on Food
We spend a lot of money on food and to be honest, we don’t even need all that much of it. We want it, but we don’t really need it. Think about how much food you’re throwing away every week, because you are throwing away a lot of it. We all could use some great […]