How does science-fiction or fantasy deal with emotional matters? Let’s take a look to some beautiful quotes about love and relationships that famous SF&Fantasy writers shared with all of us in their books.
Top 10 Most Awesome Leonardo Da Vinci Facts
Leonardo Da Vinci is a widely known figure for a variety of reasons. Whether it’s his famed skill as a painter, his revolutionary sketches of flying machinery, or an alleged hidden code that spawned a couple of books and movie adaptations, the Italian polymath is a cultural icon. He was a multifaceted proper genius, with […]
10 Most Prolific and Famous Painters of All Time
Painting is one of the most beautiful arts. It is an interesting fact that more men than women were noted in painting, and this only serves to demonstrate that men better appreciate beauty. Below are some of the most prolific and famous painters of all time: 10. Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) He was a very famous […]
10 Book-Inspired Cool Things
We all find inspiration from books and certain ones stick to our memory and become part of our existence, as we live the life of the characters and imagine what we would have done in a similar situations. Because today we feel like honoring books, here are ten book-inspired accessories, foods, jewelry and more. 1. […]
10 Most Expensive Paintings in the World Sold in Auction
Although in the world there are a lot of poor people who can barely live from one day to day, certain people are spending fortunes on paintings. Indeed they are worth every penny, so let’s have a look at ten most expensive paintings sold in auctions. 1. The Card Players by Paul Cézanne – $259 […]