Strange animals are known to walk the Earth, as Mother Nature was very generous when planting her children all over this incredible world. As you my see on National Geographic, Discovery and so on, Nature also had some strange sense of humor too. Used to the great animals we already know, seeing some strange wild beasts can only make us laugh, get scared or melt inside. There are a lot of such creatures lurking the farthest corners of the planet or hiding in the depths of the darkest waters and one may need a lifetime to know and learn about them all. So today, among all the strangest creatures in the world, we will choose only ten (while apologizing to the others for not making this list – maybe next time) and tell you some things about them, as we travel from the scariest of jungles to the clearest of waters around the globe.
10 Crazy Chair Design Ideas
Modern chair design ideas vary from extremely comfortable, as designers understand the importance of sitting in a healthy position to extremely surrealist pieces of furniture that have nothing in common with the word comfort and sometimes, not even with the word chair. But interior furniture designers are known to be a little crazy when it comes to creating something that is both spectacular, luxurious, impossible to define or catalog. So let’s see together ten of some pieces of furniture that go by the academic term of “chair”, even if many of them look like spaceships and even more can’t be even used.
10 Timeless Fashion Items
Any fashion designer secretly dreams to create a piece of clothing, footwear or accessories that would stand the test of time and become an item that is and will be forever worn without ever getting “old fashioned”. Some designers achieved this goal, as, in the same way as architects do, they conceived and created a form of art that no time, no present and no future can and will destroy their legacy. Fashion is a superficial lover, coming and going and not setting its mind on something, always in the search for the best next thing. However, even fashion can take a bow in front of some creations that will not only wear forever their designers’ name, but will be worn for generations and generations. So let’s see ten of these items that are just as fashionable as they were at their birth time.
10 Awesome Tattoos Inspired By Books
Books can inspire anything, from wanting to become a writer yourself, to managing a book club, open a bookstore or become an avid reader and reviewer. But some books and stories deserve to find their places on our skin too, as an open manifest of their power over us. This is how it happened that a lot of wonderful people decided that they should wear the books on them, in the shape of some brilliant tattoos. There are many such people, manifesting their love for a certain book as making it into a tattoo, but we’re going to see just ten of these true forms of art.
10 Famous and Beautiful Bookstores in the World
Some bookstores in this world are true monuments of spirit and wisdom, and while some are beautifully imposing, others are in themselves a special form of art. So let’s travel together and see ten of these spectacular bookstores, from Europe to China.