You would think that the days of Victorian rigor and repression of… well practically anything from emotions to any form of deviance from the norm, were over. Or that the scary figure of the Catholic nun frowning just before she is about to deal swift and just punishment to a hapless youth no longer strikes […]
10 Small Things that are Harming the Environment
Do you think you’re doing everything in your power not to harm the environment? Are you saving water at home? Are you walking or biking instead of using your car all the time? Do you use reusable bags when you go shopping and turning off the lights when you leave the room? If you do all […]
10 Things Young Girls Need to Stop Doing
With the risk of adding in some clichés and generalizations (we’re only human), we thought we would write a short article about things young girls need to stop doing as soon as possible. Young people tend to not give themselves any slack at all, they tend to dramatize things and exaggerate, which is only natural, […]
10 Tips on Saving Water at Home
Why do we need to save water? The planet’s full of it, there are wonderful water cities and plenty of fresh water rivers that can give enough for everyone to live and thrive! Well, that’s not really the case if you live in a city, where water is being polluted and then recycled over and […]
Top 10 Computer Science Universities in the World
As you probably know (unless you lived under a rock so far but our guess is you didn’t), technology in the last years not only developed some gadgets and some devices that are still blowing our minds, even if we use them every day, but managed to reach standards and milestones this world’s Science – […]