Ever since Google and the internet, information travels much faster. That’s a good thing, but in some cases, it can be a bad thing. A while back we gave you a few nutrition tips that you should follow if you want to sty fit and healthy and today we’re going to look at 10 false […]
10 Facts about Mosquitoes
It’s Mosquito Day here on 10Awesome! Earlier in the day, we published an article about 10 natural mosquito repellents for those who want to embrace a more natural alternative to the harmful DEET repellents. Now it’s time to learn a bit about these pesky insects that have been bugging us ever since man has developed […]
10 Facts about Ticks You Should Know
There are many diseases you can catch from animals, but some of the worst ones are transmitted by ticks. Ticks are alive and kicking during warm seasons, in the woods, and pretty much anywhere where there’s grass and animals. They’re not hard to get rid of. However, aside from the fact that they’re disease-ridden, ticks […]
The 10 Weirdest Facts about Cats
Naturally, you already know that cats rule the world and the Internet. But we’re willing to bet that at least some of the items on our list of the ten weirdest facts about cats are new to you. Fancy yourself a cat lady/cat lover/cat person? Let’s see how much you actually know about the lovely […]
10 Things You Should Know about the French Croissant
It is the symbol of the French breakfast, but the delicious croissant has a more complex history than we know. What are the secrets behind its preparation, where in Paris you really need to try it on and what is its traditional recipes see below. Here are ten things you need to know about the […]