There are countless reasons why the denim jacket enjoys an unrivaled popularity on the fashion scene. Without ever leaving the trends, nor obsessively invading our retina in the shows on the catwalks, the denim jacket does not need any more confirmation. It is a piece that fully deserves a place in our wardrobe, which we […]
10 Fashion Tips that Will Make You Look Taller
If nature has not been too generous in your case in terms of height, you should not be disappointed. Fortunately, there are plenty of tips and tricks you can use so that other people don’t notice that you are not very tall. With the help of stylists and other people who know a thing or […]
10 Top Must Haves for the Autumn of 2013
Before each new season, all fashion designers start some sort of a competition in deciding what the rest of us should wear for that particular season. Each time we are presented with various trends, but not all of them capture the eye of the beholder. An electrifying fall, with a magnetism that turns any simple […]
10 Things to Know About Polka Dots
Since the 50′, the polka dots have always been in fashion, with their funny, happy look and their origin mystery. From the good old days of the itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny polka dot to movies and catwalks, the polka dots almost spread the female kind in two sides: the ones who love them and the ones who’ll never wear them. It is true they don’t fit any type of body or outfit, but they still make it every year in the latest trends, small, large, uni or multicolored and they can adorn anything from the proverbial bikini to an Oscar evening dress. So what is it with these polka dots that still inflame designers’ imagination and women’s taste in clothing?
10 Tricks for Ladies to Look Taller
Height. A problem women have to face without the possibility of actually taking direct actions. Weight is a controllable issue and diet or not, sports or not, even surgery or starvation, there are still many options to eat better, improve your looks, lose the cellulite and so on. But not being tall enough can’t be solved with any diet or exercise, because basically nothing helps the body to grow a few inches, especially in adulthood.