Vote for your favorite candy! With different candies not all are listed. So add the missing and favorite candy! Did I miss one? Add your candy to the list! [socialpoll id=”2354292″]
10 Most Insane Restaurants In The World
When in doubt about what today’s dinner will consist of, head to your favorite restaurant. I mean, yeah, you could probably benefit from the wonders of catering and order for some food to be delivered right to your doorstep. But there’s just something special about the atmosphere of a restaurant that you miss out by […]
10 Popular Cupcake Flavors You Need To Try
Victims of the relentless sweet tooth syndrome, unite! In the past few years, I’ve discovered the wonders of cupcakes, and it seems like the rest of the world did too. Cupcakes are incredibly tasting even when plain, but if you combine them with a set of frosting varieties, cute decorations, and some extra leisure time? […]
10 Foods That Change Eye Color In Less Than 2 Months
Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by genetics. Is your hand up in the air? No? Then I take it you’re probably pleased with most, if not all, the aspects of your appearance. I mean, we do live in a world where pretty much any physical trait can be modified with a […]
10 Mind Blowing Candy Origin Stories
Candy is basically heaven for any person struggling with a sweet tooth. I say “struggling,” because everyone knows of the controversies around sugar based treats and most of the time, a sweet tooth also comes with a desire to shovel in copious amounts of mellifluous, glucose heightening treats. I consider myself to be one of […]