Everyone’s got their opinion on what makes a great game, and we’re no different. Take a look at our picks for the top 10 ps4 games of all time ever released on the PlayStation 4 console. Want to talk games and what makes them great? Check out our list and weigh in with your own […]
10 Really Fun Online Browser Games
In the last few years, internet technology has advanced so much that you no longer have to install different games in order to play. Now you can even try out 3D online multiplayer browser games, because the internet speed has seen such a growth that it can support complex details and a large number of […]
Is This Most Fetishist Wii Accessory Ever?
Want to “beat it” like no one else? Well.. you certainly need a special glove! Wii and Michael Jackson fans, rejoice! Ubisoft will release a Wii game built around the legacy of Michael Jackson: “Michael Jackson: The experience”. Featuring 15 songs written by The King of Pop, the game will feature an unusual accessory which […]
Great Game: Across Age DX
“Now FDG Mobile Games releases Across Age DX for the iPhone 4 and new iPod Touches and the bumping has been replaced with button-based sword swings. The developers have fixed my only gripe with the original game, making Across Age DX a game I would readily recommend to any iPhone 4 owner with RPG tastes.” – Gizmodo
Download: Cut the Rope
Cut the Rope is a cheery new physics-based puzzler in which you slice ropes in an effort to feed candy to a green Miyazaki-esque monster. It costs $1 on iTunes.