They’re raunchy, they’re funny, and they’re vulgar and sometimes downright gory. Let’s have a look at ten cartoon shows you definitely don’t want to watch with your kids on a Sunday afternoon. These shows will make you laugh, or will make your stomach turn, but they continue to entertain a large number of viewers worldwide.
10 Things We Should Know About Facebook
There are few people left on this planet who don’t know what Facebook is, or don’t use it. Ignited by a young, optimistic man named Mark Zuckerberg, who believed that people in all the world will join hands, thus becoming a big funny family, this spark rapidly turned into a world-wide phenomenon, with dozen of uses and implications.
Ten Awesome Cartoon Franchise Games
Everybody knows that franchise games are terrible. All the videogame tie-ins for popular intellectual properties are absolutely horrid: rushed, broken, boring, sometimes unplayable. And this isn’t something new. While most of the current day franchise tie-ins are terrible, a franchise tie-in almost wiped out the video game industry thirty years ago. Nonetheless there are […]
10 awesome kaleidoscope graphics
Highly inspiring, these kaleidoscope eye-candies are ready to blow your imagination. Complex and packed with dozens geometric shapes, these graphics can be used either as wallpapers either as design elements for your website. If you find yourself mesmerised by these images keep in mind that there are lots of computer programs allowing you to create your own, unique kaleidoscopes. Before you try some, get some samples below:
10 abstract images #1
These abstract images are clearly made to spice up your own “imagination land”! Intricate and delicate vector graphics or subtle digital photo manipulation, these images are useful for web pages, social network profiles or even myspace layouts! You can even use these eye-candies as wallpapers, most of them are available in high-quality resolution.