Long words have somewhat of a special flavor to them, as sometimes make us laugh and sometimes leave us in surprise of ever not knowing who is actually using them. And we are not talking here about Mary Poppin’s “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”, but of real words (well, maybe are some glued together because agglutinative languages allow long word compositions), technical sometimes and frequently used some other times. If you liked grammar in school and you still remember you loved to read and learn new words, then it’s about time to pass to the next level and see what other long, strange, impossible to pronounce words are there.
10 Signs You’re Dating a Geek
Dating a geek? Ladies, don’t panic, you may actually enjoy the ride! They’re smart, sassy, know the world around them, flexible and weirdly fun.So today we’ll discover the signs that show your boyfriend may be the geek of your dreams.
10 Love Quotes Written by Science – Fiction and Fantasy Authors
How does science-fiction or fantasy deal with emotional matters? Let’s take a look to some beautiful quotes about love and relationships that famous SF&Fantasy writers shared with all of us in their books.
10 Psychedelic Images To Enjoy
Trippy images are always fun to look at. Being either digital manipulations of photos or vector graphics, these eye-candies are inspirational in every moment of the day. Spice up your website or social network profile with some psychedelic flavors. There are plenty of them, here is just a taste!
10 Best Quotes from Breaking Bad
Yes, we know that Breaking Bad is long gone, but we got a little nostalgic for a good TV show. So, here are 10 best quotes from Breaking Bad, for those who need a reminder about how great this TV show was. What Is Breaking Bad? For those who have been living under a rock, […]