We all have our classical favorites, be they in the form of a gin and tonic, a Manhattan, a Cosmopolitan, or even a Sex on the Beach. However, if you’re the least bit into mixology, the socialite’s foremost art and science, then you have got to check out the list below and update the contents […]
The 10 Weirdest Facts about Cats
Naturally, you already know that cats rule the world and the Internet. But we’re willing to bet that at least some of the items on our list of the ten weirdest facts about cats are new to you. Fancy yourself a cat lady/cat lover/cat person? Let’s see how much you actually know about the lovely […]
10 Amazing Quotes about Writing from 10 Amazing Authors
You’re looking for inspiration, aren’t you? You’re looking for someone who will tell you how to write or even why you should write or not. Well, we have ten amazing quotes about writing form ten amazing authors that will blow your wind. Accept advice from some of the most brilliant minds that ever existed. 10. […]
10 Free PC Software You Should Take Advantage of
Protection against viruses and spyware, power management and security: with our new collection of essential free software for your PC, you can enjoy all this without having to pay anything. If you are the proud owner of a brand new computer or even if you thought to save some money to buy the software that […]
10 Important Yet Underrated Jobs
We all like to enjoy the little things in life, but often overlook the people that make those things possible. Today we take a look at ten jobs that are important, and more or less make our daily lives a bit better, but are severely underrated – and the people that do them are rarely ever recognized for their efforts.