The best thing about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on PC, is that you can mod it to your heart’s desire. Nearly every part of the game can be changed, practically removing any issue or flaw that you might have with it.
If you felt that the game was way too easy for your “mad skills”, then you can add a mod that makes it a lot harder, similar to the Dark Souls franchise. There are mods that will add more content, that will make the game more immersive, more brighter, or a lot darker. Even the graphics can be improved.
Modding the game can radically alter your experience, making this RPG a more personal adventure. There are hundreds of DLC packs available for you, and the nice thing about it, is that most of them are free. From new quests, to new maps, or new armor sets and weapons, there is basically no limit to the amount of customization that you can do.
These are the top ten best Skyrim mods, that are meant to enhance your experience. I loved playing the game when it first came out, back in 2011, but now I enjoy it even more now, with a few mods added.
The Amazing Follower Tweaks Mod
The Amazing Follower Teaks is one of the most essential utility mods. Although, in the base game, you do have a limited and rudimentary way in which you can give orders to your companions, this mod increases the follower’s functionality, by giving you lots of options in which you can customize your party even further. You can have your very own sidekick, that will fulfill a certain role depending on your instructions. For example, if your character is a powerful ranged mage, but struggles in close combat fights, then you can order your companion to use the specific weapons and skills that will complement you better.
Their appearance is also customizable for aesthetic purposes and you also have full access to their inventory so you can equip them with new weapons, shields and armors. Also, if you want to use them as your personal mule, then you can easily access their backpacks, which is separate from the inventory. Depending on your activity, you can customize their appearance, so if you are relaxing at home, then they will not be wearing their battle armor.
By using this mod, you will be able to create your own group of adventurers, specific to your likes and needs, and with the new added feature, you are able to give them a new home, so you will have them conventionality placed in one location. To be frank, who wouldn’t love a Dovahkiin roommate?
The Windcallers Pass
This mod adds a new dungeon, packed with lore, for players to explore. It is accessible on both sides of the Throat of the World, and in addition to the new content, it functions as a convenient way of crossing the mountain that is dividing the map.
If you were to compare it to other similar mods, the Windcallers Pass doesn’t do anything too out of the ordinary, but that is exactly what makes this mod so great. It fits right in with the rest of the world, and you will most likely forget that you are playing something that was not originally in the game. There are secrets to discover, bosses to beat, lots of loot to find and many trials to overcome, making this dungeon perfect for every Skyrim player.
The Tamriel Reloaded Mod
This is a textures pack for PC gamers. It will update the game’s basic visuals, giving Skyrim, a four year old game, a fresh new look. There are other similar mods that deserve a mention or two, such as the Skyrim HD mod, or the MidianBorn Book of Silence mod, but the Tamriel one is the best in my opinion. The bold retexturing, really makes the surroundings feel alive and more vibrant.
This mod, changes the design of almost of part of Skyrim, with distinctive textures placed in most cities, such as Solitude, or Whiterun, giving every part of the world a unique and fascinating flavor.
This mod will not crank up your system requirements too much, which is a huge plus.
7.The Hoth Mod
There are a lot of different companion mods out there, like Inigo and Vilja, but this one stands above the rest because of its functionality and unique design. Hoth was design by the same person (Hoth Trooper 44) responsible for the best armor mods available for Skyrim.
Having Hoth around is always tons of fun. He is wearing the remains of his fallen enemies and his is as brutal as he is charming, but mostly the first part. Unlike your old, run of the mill, follower, and in addition to his unique look, he is also fully voice acted. Hoth has one of the best and most hardcore backstory in video game history, and for those of you that want even more quests from an already 100+ hours game, then know that he will generates an infinite amount of bounty hunter quests.
The Wearable Lanterns Mod
This mod works better when combined with one that will make the world darker. The Wearable Lanterns mod, will completely change the way in which you approach adventuring. You will no longer have to use a torch, or a spell in order to see in the dark, because this wearable lantern, that fits perfectly on your hip, will provide you with more than enough light. Keep in mind that in order to fuel your lamp, you are going to need a large supply of oil, making you think twice before venturing into a dark crypt and forcing you to spend your money more wisely.
The Moonpath To Elsweyr Mod
This is hardly the first mod that lets you explore the exotic homeland of the Khajiit, and I don’t think that it will be the last either, but it is one of the better expansions for Skyrim. Unlike other mods that try to fit in with the game’s world, this one has its own unique visuals, while the environment is completely different from anything else.
The development team went out of its way to make this mod, building some elements from scratch. The Moonpath mod is meant for those that are bored with the vanilla game, and it features new quests, assets, places and enemies. You will even get your very own airship, making this mod a must have.
The Realistic Needs and Diseases Mod
Almost every open game has a mod such as this one, which shows the player’s need to have an experience as realistic as possible. With this mod, you will have to take better care of your character, have him drink, sleep, or eat, and you can even die of starvation if you are not careful.
Having to carry out these daily tasks makes you feel like you are really there, part of the world. Your hero will become much more “human” and a lot more relatable to.
On top of that, this mod will also make the game a lot harder. You will no longer be able to eat during fights without penalties and diseases are a lot harsher, meaning that you will not breeze your way through battles, while infected with Ataxia, or Rockjoint. The Realistic Needs and Diseases mod is one of the best available out there, because it does what it says extremely well.
The Duel: Combat Realism Mod
If you are a more hardcore player, that it very likely that you will find Skyrim to be a little too easy when it comes to its combat, making The Duel: Combat Realism the perfect mod for you. It aims to overhaul the combat’s feel throughout the game, without going too far away from the original mechanics.
Here, you will no longer be able to go all out hack and slash, like you did in the vanilla game, but instead, you will have to carefully plan your every attack and always keep your shield up. Looking for good openings to strike makes the difference between success or death.
They have made minor changes to the damage values and the AI, and dramatically changed the overall experience of Skyrim, adding much more tension to every fight.
The Frostfall Mod
Frostfall is the best mod for those of you that want to turn Skyrim into the unforgiving and brutal place it was meant to be. While in the southern part of the map, the new features will probably go unnoticed, it is when you’ll venture north when you will see the effects of this mod. If you dare to go into the glacial region, without being dressed accordingly, or without the proper equipment, then you will end up dead in a matter of minutes from hypothermia.
Questing will no longer be an uneventful skip throughout the wilderness, but more of an epic journey, where you will have to fend off the unforgiving forces of nature. You can configure this mod (the Mod Configuration Menu is essential for any player) in order to give you the harshest experience possible, or you can just set it to easy and have a pleasant camp in the wilderness. No matter what you want, this mod has you covered.
The Falskaar Mod
This is possibly the biggest and best know mod for Skyrim, and it got its crater, named Alexander J. Velicky, a job at Bungie. The Falskaar mod is an entire expansion pack, and many argue that it is far better than the official DLC.
The mod is not based on assets outside the original game, but its size and content, combined with the unique handcrafted quality, makes it stand out above the rest. The Falskaar mod fits so well into the game world that you would think it was made by Bethesda Game Studios. It does everything the original did, but it does it so much better. It has great plots, interesting dialogue and incredible lore, and trust me when I say that you don’t want to miss out on this mod.
Image Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
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