Being pregnant involves many things that you are not accustomed with, so it may be that at some point you might feel overwhelmed with all the changes. Of course, some information is crucial for a future mother, but there are many that should not give you headaches.
But since we live in the age of technology, you should know that there are many mobile application that help you watch your pregnancy. They save you the effort of calculations and agendas, of all the things you have to do in those nine months. Here are the most useful pregnancy applications:
This is an application that allows you record all medical visits, symptoms and questions you want to ask to your gynecologist responsible for overseeing your pregnancy.
2. What to Expect
The application was developed by the authors of the book “What to Expect When You’re Pregnant”, said gurus in knowledge of symptoms and changes during pregnancy.
3. Labor & Contraction Timer
This mobile tool offers accurate information about pre-labor contractions, acting like a computer that indicates you whether or not you should go directly to the delivery room.
4. Food to Avoid When Pregnant
Make sure you eat foods that are not contraindicated during pregnancy. This program will show you what to eat, considering what is beneficial or harmful to you and your belly.
5. Woman Calendar
This application performs graphs indicating the periods when you are fertile, based on the measurement of basal body temperature, so you can estimate when you can get pregnant and when not to.
6. WomanLog Calendar
This is a program that also indicates fertility, calculating favorable fecundity periods according to the menstrual cycle, ovulation, body mass and mood symptoms.
7. Pregnancy + +
The application is designed for health professionals and provides you with complete and accurate information on the progress of pregnancy.
8. Pregnancy Baby Bumb Rankings
It is one of the easiest applications on the Android Market. The nice design and friendly interface will help you get information about the exact date on which it are delivering, tips and details about fetal development and updated information about weight, energy and your mood.
The app is free in its basic form and for the Pro version, you must pay.
9. Pregnancy Tracker
The application will provide you with information every day, every week. In addition, you will have the opportunity to take pictures constantly and create a photo album to remind you of the period when you were pregnant. The design is attractive and its use is not very complicated. Moreover, you have the opportunity to come in contact with mothers around the world who are going through the same experience as you.
10. Name Dropper
If you think that you could choose your baby’s name as soon as you hear it, the application Name Dropper is ideal for you. You must set your baby’s sex, how popular you would want the name to be and the app will do all the work for you.
11. Routinely
If you want to form your healthy habits now that you have to eat for two, choose Routinley. Write down the things you do and count your behavior in order to avoid certain actions that you are not helpful.
12. Baby Name-o-Matic
With a database of over 10,000 names, the application gives you the opportunity to vote for the name that you like. Based on your charts, it will make new proposals. The more votes you provide, the more accurate the tips.
13. Daddy511
Besides calculating contractions, Daddy511 estimates how advanced is the pregnancy and stores information about the hospital and your doctor. Even though it is not as practical and useful, this application has an attractive design and you can try since it is free.
14. Contraction calculator
The time when watches and notebooks has long gone. Although there are a wide variety of applications that you can count contractions with, this one is very easy to use. All you have to do is press a button when the contraction begins and another when it ends.
15. Happy Pregnancy
Happy Pregnancy offers a weekly diary where you note moods and a sheet in which you can note the extra pounds gained. The application also counts how many days are left until the day your baby will be born, how many kicks does you baby give you and how many contractions are when labor begins.
16. Toilet / Bathroom Finder
Very suitable for future parents, but also for those currently, this application indicate places where you can stop to curb certain basic needs. The information is available anywhere in the world and based on user feedback, which can always help improve the current database.
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