When you are developing your own company, every error you make means cash out of your wallet, so why learn it the hard – and pricey – way? Why not understand in advance which problems to avoid? As a company brander and a business owner, you are prone to a reasonable number of branding and […]
10 Marketing Ideas for a Small Business
The advantages of owning your own business are numerous, starting with time efficiency to maximizing the skills and knowledge familiar to the entrepreneur, but the challenge lies in ensuring continuous flow of customers, even when resources are limited. In fact, small business don’t have a big budget when it comes to marketing, but there are […]
10 Tips for Shopping on Black Friday
Hope you didn’t forget about Back Friday, because we didn’t. This is why we came up with some awesome tips you can use to make the most of your shopping experience on Black Friday. It’s so easy to get lost in all those discounts and some people empty their credit card without buying something useful […]
10 DIY Christmas Gift Ideas
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and we need presents. If you don’t want to spend too much money, but still want to offer your loved ones something original and fun, here are ten easy DIY ideas for Christmas presents. 1. Cute jars Nothing compares with a personalized gift. Reuse jars that you […]
10 Worst Places in the World to Get Busted by the Cops
Travelling is good. Travelling broadens your mind and lets you make new friends. It also exposes you to some of the worst places on the planet for getting busted by the cops. Here are some of the places where you will want to keep on the right side of the law. 1. North Korea  […]