You know who are them without looking at their names (but the artist put the names, just in case). The first nine examples of these are made by Ali Jabbar, a very talented man from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. You probably remember the last one, featured here on 10awesome. If you didn’t see those ten amazing portraits, take a look here.
Awesome 3D Art made from Book Covers
Thomas Allen, in essence, is a still life artist who through a very creative process disrupts the stillness. By carefully selecting from primarily vintage paperback novels and science journals, he brings two-dimensional images forward into three dimensional space. With simple lightning and the use of simple tools (i.e., scissors and razor-sharp knives), figures are cut out, bent and juxtapose in ways that present the tension and dynamics of staged drama. Other techniques are applied in achieving a pure sense of humor that also defy the original use of these materials and their ultimate destiny of being read once and retiring for eternity on the nearest bookshelf.
10 Awesome Movie Infographics
Here are some truly amazing movie infographics made by very creative and talented illustrators. Click on every image to see each example in its original resolution!
10 Awesome Bikes
These bikes are creative, unusual, scary to death, funny, practical or totally useless.
10 Awesome T-shirt Illustrations
We have here ten awesome t-shirt illustrations made by two great artists. The artist Glenn Jones, with his amazing talent and great imagination has come up with some of the funniest, shocking and downright awesome t-shirts yet. He has a beautiful store where you can buy awesome t-shirts at The second artist is Greg Darroll, with some cool and creative ideas.