Well, not quite. It’s not polite to misinform readers, so I won’t. But some of the cars we are about to discuss do approach the speed of lower-power handguns and smaller caliber rounds which make their bullets travel at about 350 mph. The top fastest cars in the world can now reach an impressive average maximum speed […]
10 Awesome Cars in Movies and TV
Movies and cars have gone together hand in hand since the dawn of the movie industry. Good guys, bad guys, heroes or villains, everybody had and still has a trademark ride. Since cars became known to mankind, the whole industry took leaps that nobody could have ever imagined at that time. Cars definitely have changed our entire history and some of them made some movies and their main characters unforgettable. Sometimes the cars in films or TV shows almost stand for the show itself, or are so much associated with the characters, they ended up defining them as well. From the street straight to the screen, let’s have a look at ten cars that made history.
10 Top Recommended Tractor Units
The truck industry is adapting to the times, in order to meet eco and cost demands. So let’s see which tractor units made it into the top ten best recommendations for purchase.
10 Safest New Cars
We know it’s important to ride in style and to get a good MPG on your vehicle, but riding safe is possibly the most important factor when deciding on a new car, so here are our 10 picks for the safest new cars.
10 Awesome Airbrushed Cars
If you want to see some stunning cars, just go to Russia. They have enough gold there to cover a Porsche entirely or enough opulence to put leather on the body of a car. Now, forget about these crazy habits and focus on these amazing ten examples of automotive airbrushing!You have to be a talented artist to make such detailed drawings…