Birth is a time that mothers eagerly await and fear. Even if we want to know our baby after nine months of waiting, we are afraid of labor. Although most women choose cesarean because they will not feel pain natural birth is the least traumatic method for the baby and mother. Certain medical conditions require caesarean, but in most cases natural birth can take place without risk.
During birth both your physical and mental state are reflected in the way things work. Panic, anxiety, lack of support will hinder the natural process and relaxation and support from your partner will help you have a quick and easy birth.
You will be amazed to discover that you have the ability to get through the period of labor with little discomfort. Here are ten tips for an easy birth:
1. Choose a suitable environment for you
For an easy birth you need a suitable environment for your desires. Visit early the pregnancy ward in both private and state hospitals. Learn which hospital has what kind of birth policy, medical support, visiting rooms.
Make sure that you choose the place you trust. Check if you are allowed different positions during labor, if there is a midwife who will take care of you throughout the labor and a medical staff that specializes in case complications arise.
2. Choose a medical team you can trust
Confidence in your doctor and medical team helps you get more relaxed during labor. Sometimes the doctor can make decisions that will surprise you. If however you are treated with respect and you are explained the reasons why they made a certain decision, you’ll get over the moments of intensity.
3. Learn about birth
Prepare for labor by seeking answers to all your questions, reading useful information about changes occurring in your body and how birth occurs. You will easily understand how it works, how you need to breathe, what’s the deal with contractions, what does each medical procedure involve.
4. Say what you fear
If you are concerned about a particular aspect of birth or a particular medical procedure or medication, talk with your doctor, spouse or midwife. The answer will you calm down and you’ll get rid of the tension and anxiety.
5. Breathing counts a lot
Breathing helps tremendously during labor and birth. It helps not only to relax and decrease the sensation of pain, but is also efficient in pushing the baby close to the birth moment. Breathe slowly and deeply during contractions, eliminating tension with each expiration. Practice rapid breathing, inhaling and exhaling quickly, every 2-3 seconds.
6. Use your visual stimuli
If you concentrate on the images that make you happy, it will be easier to go through labor and face the pain. Talk with your partner, look at him, imagine the moments when you will hold your baby in your arms for the first time.
7. Water does wonders
A warm bath will help you relax, reduce the sensation of pain and can speed up labor naturally. Water compresses on the abdomen, forehead or chest have the same role of calming and helping you cope with pain. Birth under water is the least painful method.
8. Movement helps
Although in most cases the doctors tell you to stay in bed, so they can monitor you, it is indicated to move. Walk around the room, tilt, ascend and descend stairs, if you feel better on the knees, do just that, rock abs front and back.
9. Ask for a massage
A massage will help you relax, loosen muscles and reduce pain during labor. Request help you’re your partner, a specialist midwife to provide such services.
10. You need support
The doctor and nurses will always be with you in the labor ward. Therefore it is better to have a close person to be with you from the beginning until after the birth. Your mother, spouse or a close friend or even a midwife employed by you especially for childbirth will help you get through the period of labor.
Are you getting ready to have a baby? What concerns do you have regarding this event?
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