Remember the time when reading a book meant smelling the ink, touching the paper flipped between your fingers, falling asleep with your favorite novel by your side, having a deep emotional connection to that object hiding wonders between its covers? It is 2013 and while many people still enjoy the great feeling of holding a […]
10 Alternatives To Download Audiobooks Online
Two days ago we’ve offered a list of ten e-readers, and now it’s time to give you ten alternatives to download audiobooks online.
10 Cheap Books For Toddlers
It is said that childhood is the most important part in anyone’s life, and exercising your kid’s imagination is a must.
10 Lesser-Known Facts about the Twilight Books
Since the latest and final installment in the Twilight film saga, Breaking Dawn, has just recently hit the silver screens, why not update your trivia knowledge on the books that made the hugely successful film franchise possible?
10 Awesome Non-Fiction Books
Non-fiction books are ones of the readers’ favorites because reality was always more interesting than fiction. This list of non-fiction books is trying to cover as many tastes as possible, from the history lovers to the adventure books fans and from the sports enthusiasts to are who are interested in traveling.