Nutrition is a tricky field. It is hard to find someone to trust and it is even more difficult to find a method to help you lose weight and become healthier. As we are constantly bombarded with information from commercials, the media, the Internet and health gurus, it is time to understand why the advice […]
10 Superfoods For Slimming Down
Recent studies point out that regardless of how many times a week you hit the gym, you won’t lose weight unless you adjust your eating habits accordingly. You can actually shed a few pounds only through portion control, watching exactly what you eat and how you combine your foods. Staying hydrated also plays an essential […]
10 Summer Recipes Made Without An Oven
Summer is nice, I won’t deny it. You don’t need to layer five sweaters on you, everything’s bright and colored, the days are longer, the beach is inviting. The only thing I dread is cooking. While I don’t mind baking apples and making steaks in the winter, I won’t even go near my oven in […]
10 Awesome Summer Recipes
The summer is right around the corner, so we decided to share with you some summer recipes that you will definitely enjoy. These summer recipes are fast, which will let you spend more time with your loved ones, having fun. Here are 10 awesome summer recipes for you to enjoy. 1. Summer Corn and […]
Must Know Advice for Maintaining a Healthy Diet after Lap Band Surgery
Not everyone is a candidate for lap-band surgery and if your surgeon opted to do the surgery on you, there is every reason to believe you can successfully lose weight if you follow your doctor’s orders. Although your doctor gave you directions on what you can eat and when, the implications may not have registered […]