Any form of media is a thousand times better with a dog. Life, in general, is a thousand times better with a dog. It’s the easiest way to get people attached to a character without having to write any complicated backstories or even any dialogues at all. Over the years, we’ve encountered plenty of examples […]
Top 10 Most Expensive Cat Breeds On Earth
What do you call a person willing to spend copious amounts of money on the acquisition of a cat? Is it an extreme cat lover or someone who enjoys living a life of luxury so much that even their pets are expensive works of art? I’d say it’s a balance of both. After all, you […]
10 Awesome Things You Didn’t Know about Animals
Animals are pretty awesome, but you don’t need us to tell you that! The animal kingdom often surprises us with all sorts of fun and interesting animal traits or features. Camels surviving half a year without water. Frogs being able to freeze and thaw themselves. Snakes being able to kill you with a tenth of […]
The 10 Weirdest Facts about Cats
Naturally, you already know that cats rule the world and the Internet. But we’re willing to bet that at least some of the items on our list of the ten weirdest facts about cats are new to you. Fancy yourself a cat lady/cat lover/cat person? Let’s see how much you actually know about the lovely […]
10 Weirdest Animal Mating Rituals
With humans, it’s easy: boy meets girl, boy likes girl, boy and girl go on a few dates (you decide the appropriate number), boy and girl mate. But in the animal kingdom things get complicated and weird. So, here are ten weirdest animal mating rituals ever. 1. How flatworms take turns In case you did […]