There is no doubt that the iPad is a very useful gadget, mainly due to its size. Located somewhere between a laptop and a smart phone, tablets are a great tool you can use whenever you want in order to stay connected with the world. Apple’s App Store is full of very expensive iPad applications. […]
10 Reasons Why E-Books Will Rule the World of Literature
Remember the time when reading a book meant smelling the ink, touching the paper flipped between your fingers, falling asleep with your favorite novel by your side, having a deep emotional connection to that object hiding wonders between its covers? It is 2013 and while many people still enjoy the great feeling of holding a […]
Korg emulator for iPad
Now you have at your disposal a new Korg iPad app, fully emulating a Korg iMS-20 analog synth.
iElectribe for the iPad
Korg just released a brilliant iPad version of their unique musical instrument, the Electribe.
iPad Cat Toys
After dozens of cats are said to really enjoy the iPad and the iPhone, a developer finally had the brilliant idea of actually programming some games specially designed for cats.