As a student you have to know some basic information about government student loans, beer, how to throw a good party and how to cram for an exam – all are vital for making your student years the best years of your life. That’s what they say, isn’t it? That the college years are the […]
Top 10 Best Industries to Work In
Have you ever wondered what the best industries are for young graduates to work in? We have and after some research we have come up with a top ten list that will serve as a starting point for young professionals in their search for a good job. Read on and find out more about the […]
10 Scariest Voodoo Magic Spells
It doesn’t matter if you believe in voodoo magic spells or not, because the reality is that there are a lot of people out there who do, and we all know that self-suggestion can take someone a long way.
The Ultimate Cash Counting Ring
Instead of expensive and massive cash-counting gadgets you could have this infrared scanner integrated in a ring. It also features an integrated LED display. All you need is.. money! More pictures, here.
Funny Fast Money
Secily takes the “Family” OUT of Family Feud!