A wise man once said that breaking up is hard to do. However, what he didn’t say is that stalking your ex-partner is easy. Thanks to the internet and some old fashioned detective techniques you can keep tabs on your ex and probably know more about what they are doing now than you did when […]
10 Ways to Catch Your Cheating Spouse
Afraid your partner is secretly a Tiger Woods or Jesse James? Time to stop worrying and actually find out the truth! Here are 10 ways to catch your (potentially) cheating spouse. While some of these tips are downright creepy in their level of privacy invasion, they are helpful to use if you must absolutely know […]
10 Tricks that Will Teach you How to Flirt
Flirting is the unwritten rule of seduction. Just like any other language in the world, it has its own set of rules. If you want to successfully get a girl to like you and seduce the woman you are going out with, you have to understand very well what she wants, what you should do, […]
10 Female Celebrities Who Like Older Men
Apparently, female celebrities of our times have developed a contagious attraction for older men, who are, in many cases, unknown in the world of the rich and famous. Even though they are –in some cases-much younger than their partners, these celebs definitely did not need the money of their men, as it happens so often.