Dating a geek? Ladies, don’t panic, you may actually enjoy the ride! They’re smart, sassy, know the world around them, flexible and weirdly fun.So today we’ll discover the signs that show your boyfriend may be the geek of your dreams.
10 iPhone 6 Rumors
Excited about the arrival of the new iPhone 6? Do you want to know what new features it will have and when it will be launched? Are you interested if the best apps for your iPhone will become obsolete? We’ve gathered all of the important iPhone 6 rumors that have hit the internet in the […]
10 Things We Love About Apple
You either love Apple or you hate it. We have to admit that we adore Apple and think they are truly great innovators that help the tech world move forward faster. Without them, we’d be stuck in Microsoft mode surrounded by blue screens of death. Whether you love them so much that you’d want a […]
10 Worst Gadget Fails Ever
We’ve come such a long way in such a short time! Now we’ve got gorgeous smartphones with great displays that seem to give us all that we ever need in terms of technology, but there have been some gadgets in the past decade that have failed not only to satisfy us, but also to impress […]
10 Smart Ways to Use Your Smartphone’s Camera
Contrary to popular belief, a smartphone’s camera can be used in more ways than capturing a scene of life, an Instagram moment or a selfie, but can also be a very good ally in becoming a reliable witness and a helpful instrument in doing some chores in an ingenious manner. Well, this is what the […]