The iconic sci-fi television series Doctor Who from BBC is one of the longest running shows in history, celebrating its’ fiftieth anniversary this year. Throughout the show, the Doctor, his enemies, and his companions use a series of gadgets that you surely wish you had, if only to make your life a bit more exciting. […]
10 Movies With Vin Diesel You Don’t Want To Miss
Vin Diesel is, with no doubt, one of those actors that impress by looks and skills to make an action-packed movie become a blockbuster. He is very much associated with the Fast and Furious series, but he is also known for other films that went well in the box-office, making him the man who checked almost 15 million dollars for destroying over 200 cars. So let’s see ten of the movies that made Vin Diesel the star he is now.
10 Movie Villains You Love to Hate
The movie world is full of superheroes of all kinds and we all have a favorite one. But every hero has a Nemesis, a counterpart or just a super-villain that stood out so well, the world became fond of…
Ten TV Shows That Have Been Around Longer Than We Can Remember
We simply couldn’t imagine a world without television shows. Some of them good, some of them really bad, some who’ve gone on for ages and others that have been cancelled much too early. Today we list ten shows that have been on our TV screens since they were huge, black and white, and came with only six channels.
10 Memorable Movie Quotes and Punch Lines
Movies usually leave a mark on our memory; whether they’re really bad, and we remember them for that, or they’re so good we want to watch them over and over again, we remember little bits and pieces of every movie we watch. Today we take a look at ten movie quotes and punch lines that became part of every movie aficionado’s vocabulary.