Ever since the first picture was snapped, man and woman have been thinking about ways to make themselves look more attractive in photos. If you’re not happy about the way you look, there are always ways of making yourself look more appealing, with a body position or a filter. It’s what everybody does and when […]
10 Types of Women in Commercials and What’s Wrong with Them
A lot has changed in advertising in the past thirty years. We’ve grown up, it seems, and we’ve started giving women a lot more credit. Look at what incredibly sexist ads they were coming up with in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s! Still, there are some commercials today that seem to be stuck in those Mad […]
10 Common Lies We Tell Ourselves
No matter how honest and kind we are, we all know that deep down inside we’re massive liars. Maybe not massive, but close. We all know some of the frequently told lies and what they really mean. However, there are those lies that are so smooth and well thought of, that sometimes, even we don’t know […]
10 Types of People You’ll Find on Facebook
Facebook is no longer simply the place to connect with friends and find out about new stuff and ideas. It has become much more than that. Facebook is now a place where things happen as they would in real life. You’re meeting new people, having weird and uncomfortable conversations with strangers, and, most of all, […]
10 Things We Say When We Cancel Plans
… and what they really mean. Let’s face it, a little white lie never hurt anyone. Especially if that little white lie helped us not go out in the cold, get out of bed, or avoid helping a friend move furniture up the stairs, because you’re such a great friend. We’ve all done it, so […]