Dating a geek? Ladies, don’t panic, you may actually enjoy the ride! They’re smart, sassy, know the world around them, flexible and weirdly fun.So today we’ll discover the signs that show your boyfriend may be the geek of your dreams.
Star Wars Pick Up Lines: 10 Awesome Choices
You’re a Star Wars fan, the crush you are trying to woo is a Star Wars fan. What is there to do? If you hit them with some smooth Star Wars pick up lines and they respond positively, then you will know that you are made for each other. That’s how it works. We know […]
10 Awesome 80s Commercials
What do you think of when you look back on the 80s? Aside from the horrible fashion sense, obviously. In fact, it’s a bit unfair to say that anything worn during the 80s could get anywhere remotely close to the early 2000’s in terms of sheer aesthetic awfulness. Anyway, truth is, save for a tacky […]
10 Funny Ties For Men
As people evolve, so does the world around us: fashion is no exception. We went from wearing mammoth fur clothing, to the extravagant dresses and wigs of the glamorously snobbish 18th century and, now, to 21st century’s incredibly diverse styles. However, women have always been notably luckier in terms of wardrobe diversity, while poor men […]
10 Unusual Words Describing Usual Things in Our Lives
Did you know that the space between your eyebrows had a name? And did you ever stop to wonder the name for those butterflies in your stomach? There are a lot of unusual words describing usual things in our lives. Equally, there are dozens of strange names describing strange phobias, medical conditions, or parts of […]